I'm baaaaaaaack....

Posted by Zach | Wednesday, March 09, 2011 | 0 comments »

Holy back from the dead, Batman! Well, I'm about to send in some paperwork while I make final preparations to join the NSA team as a mid-season replacement.

...Wait? Back it up. Where have I been and what the hell am I doing? I'll answer that. I've been plugging away at my office job and flight instructing out of Boeing Field for a while now, and the flying has slowed down immensely. I received a call from the ol' boss about rejoining NSA for a couple months, and it was honestly an easy decision.

1. Only a couple months, not the 8 month deployment like last time.
2. No clawing my eyes out in Batavia waiting to depart.
3. Long days of flying, and the most flight hour packed chunk of the season.
4. Why not?

Why not, indeed. With a logbook painfully close to ATP minimums it makes too much sense to go for it. I have a couple prime opportunities that open up when I get my ATP license and I can hit the hours mark without dink'n'dunk flight instructing forever. Don't get me wrong, I love flight instructing, but I told myself a long time ago that I'd never rely on instructing to get me where I'm going or to pay my bills because it is never a guarantee. Besides, I can always go back to it if necessary. Lord knows flying at Rainier is the best flight instructing situation anyone could ask for. Yes, AFSNAC, this is me saying I did not enjoy working there. You need to lighten up and quit screwing over your instructors, especially those that have been in your employ for 5+ years. They deserve better than the crap sandwiches you force-feed them.

Back on target... I have about a week and a half before I hop on a plane to meet up with my new bird, N410FR a.k.a. Professors Old Whip. At the moment it seems I will be headed to Charleston, SC though as the survey business goes, that is extremely subject to change.

I suppose that is all for now. I'll try and keep this thing going a little better for the short time I'm on the road.
