As promised...

Posted by Zach | Monday, December 08, 2008 | 0 comments »

Here are some pics of the Lexington airport. I'm thinking about checking out downtown Lexington tomorrow so maybe some other pics tomorrow or whenever. Enjoy these couple of shots and take a second to remember the 49 passengers and crew of Comair 191 that crashed here in August 2006 while attempting to takeoff from the wrong (much shorter) runway.

Final approach to 22 getting bumped around and with a dirty windshield

The terminal

The whole airport. You can see the main runway and the smaller angled runway at the top

This shows the runway Comair 191 crashed off of. At 3500ft, it was 200ft too short for the aircraft to reach rotation speed. It crashed off the end (top left corner) killing all on board except the first officer.