Houston/Galveston Pics

Posted by Zach | Thursday, January 22, 2009 | 0 comments »

So, I'd say that so far, if there was a city besides Seattle that I would consider living in, its definitely Houston. I've had a great time here so far, and on top of it the flying has been phenomenal. I'm poised to break 900 hours tomorrow, putting 1000hrs within reach for February. I'm also meeting up with my first flight instructor who lives in Houston as a captain for Expressjet.

Here's a few pic's from my time so far in Houston, TX.

Houston, TX... so much green landscape.

Houston, TX... so many cookie cutter neighborhoods.

Holding short behind Ben for takeoff.

Rolling in to Galveston, TX

Hurrican Ike was apparently not a McD's fan...

The Gulf of Mexico

Hallelujah, I'm standing in the Gulf!

OH SHNAPS! The gulf is cold and just douched my pant leg!

The sea wall

Looking at Galveston from a rock pier

Rock Pier

